首页 >  2021, Vol. 25, Issue (1) : 1-14


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中国科学院 空天信息创新研究院, 北京 100101


Going along with the progress of remote sensing: For the 25th anniversary of the renaming of the Journal of Remote Sensing (Chinese)

It has been 25 years since the journal of Remote Sensing of Environment was renamed as Journal of Remote Sensing(Chinese). In the past 25 years, China's economy and society as well as science and technology have changed significantly. The remote sensing in China has also developed rapidly. The Journal of Remote Sensing (Chinese)have participated, witnessed and been a peer of this time of change.Firstly, the paper discusses the historical background of the development of remote sensing in China and abroad. In the world the strategy for development of remote sensing was changed from the resources exploration to the environmental study and the global change has become a major topic. In the paper the major progress of remote sensing in China is discussed. In the past 25 years since the journal renamed the state-level satellite system of the earth observation has been established in areas of meteorology, ocean, environmental∕disaster reduction and land resources, etc. At the same time, as an important supplement for the national system the private remote sensing satellite companies have also been built and developed.With the progress of remote sensing technology and system, it has provided an indispensable technical and information support for important governmental department business. The application of remote sensing in land resources, agriculture, forestry, hydrology, meteorology, ocean, city, surveying and mapping, environment and disaster monitoring has obtained a great achievement. The remote sensing applications have been in the forefront of the world with regards of breadth, depth and scale.For 25 years, the Journal of Remote Sensing(Chinese) has always been the process of improving. It has taken the important historical responsibilities of promoting the technical exchange, propagating the science and technical progress, and disseminating the achievement of remote sensing applications. The Journal of Remote Sensing(Chinese), as an epitome and the fruit of remote sensing development and achievement, always progresses together with the development of remote sensing in China.


