



首页 > 学术动态 > 6月15日 中国期刊ICV(2010)top100有较大提高,最低值突破5.15




《哥白尼索引》(IC)收录中国期刊(截止2011-06-14510种(包括更名期刊、淘汰期刊),其中大陆地区497种、香港地区10种、台湾地区3种。 2011-06-05统计结果 IC收录中国期刊ICV2010)百强期刊(top100)中的最后一名ICV(2010)=4.72,但是2011-06-14日的最终公布结果出笼后,中国期刊的评价指标较以前,有了较大幅度的提高,入选IC的中国期刊中,ICV(2010)排序top100的期刊,最后一名的ICV2010>5.15,2009年之前,一直尚未突破5.002010ICV排序中国百强期刊(TOP100)一览表如下:

1. Asian Journal of Andrology 1008-682x 26.34
2. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 1671-4083 24.17
3. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 1673-8527 15.04
4. Acta Geoscientica Sinica 1006-3021 9.00
5. Journal of Xianjiang Agricultural University 1007-8614 9.00
6. 畜牧兽医学报
[Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica]
0366-6964 9.00
7. 生理学报
[Acta Physiologica Sinica]
0371-0874 9.00
8. 中国环境科学
[China Environmental Science]
1000-6923 9.00
9. 重庆师范大学学报(自然科学版)
[Journal of Chongqing Normal University (Natural Science)]
1672-6693 9.00
10. Journal of Zhejiang University- Science C Computers & Electronics 1869-1951 9.00
11. Bulletin of Botanical Research 1673-5102 9.00
12. International Journal of Oral Science 1674-2818 9.00
13. 南方水产
[South China Fisheries Sciences]
1673-2227 9.00
14. ZhongguoZiran Yixue Zazhi
[Chinese Journal of Natural Medicine]
1008-7850 9.00
15. Experimental Technology and Management 1002-4956 9.00
16. Journal of Southwest Forestry University 1003-7179 9.00
17. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 1672-0229 9.00
18. Guoji Yanke ZaZhi
[International Journal of Ophthalmology]
1672-5123 9.00
19. Hong Kong Medical Journal 1024-2708 9.00
20. Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine 1024-9079 9.00
21. China Pharmacy 1001-0408 9.00
22. Journal of Shenyang Normal University(Natural Science Edition) 1673-5862 9.00
23. Zhongguo Xuexichongbing Fangzhi Zazhi
[Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control]
1005-6661 9.00
24. Water Resources Protection 1004-6933 9.00
25. Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University 1001-8735 9.00
26. Zhongguo Shouyi Kexue
[Chinese Veterinary Science]
1673-4696 9.00
27. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry College 1000-5692 9.00
28. Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences 1001-4330 9.00
29. Acta Agrestia Sinica 1007-0435 9.00
30. Chinese Journal of Hygienic Insecticides & Equipments 1671-2781 9.00
31. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 1995-7645 9.00
32. Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis 1000-2286 9.00
33. Research of Environmental Sciences 1001-6929 9.00
34. Journal of Nanjing Forestry University 1000-2006 9.00
35. Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine 1672-0415 9.00
36. Fisheries Science 1003-1111 9.00
37. 中国生物制品学杂志
[Chinese Journal of Biologicals]
1004-5503 9.00
38. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A An International Applied Physics & Engineering Journal 1673-565x 9.00
39. Chinese Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine 1008-0589 9.00
40. Neural Regeneration Research 1673-5374 9.00
41. Journal of Xinyang Normal University: Nat Sci Ed 1003-0972 9.00
42. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B An international biomedicine & biotechnology journal 1673-1581 9.00
43. Fudan University Journal of Medical Sciences 1672-8467 9.00
44. Journal of Zhejiang University: Agriculture & Life Sciences
[Journal of Zhejiang University: Agriculture & Life Sciences]
1008-9209 9.00
45. Scientia Silvae Sinicae 1001-7488 9.00
46. Guangxi Shifan Daxue Xuebao: Ziran Kexue Ban
[Journal of Guangxi Normal University: Natural Science Edition (JGXNU)]
1001-6600 9.00
47. Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics 1003-9406 9.00
48. Plant Science Journal 2095-0837 9.00
49. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University 1000-5048 9.00
50. Journal of Yangzhou University Agricultural and Life Science Edition 1671-4652 9.00
51. Journal of Forestry Research 1007-662X 9.00
52. Virologica Sinica 1674-0769 9.00
53. 中草药
[Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs]
0253-2670 9.00
54. Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin 1001-1978 9.00
55. Chinese Journal of Pathology 0529-5807 9.00
56. 中国药理学与毒理学杂志
[Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology]
1000-3002 9.00
57. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 1022-5536 7.37
58. The Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals 0218-4923 7.09
59. Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer 1009-3419 6.47
60. Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine 1672-1977 6.13
61. Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao
[Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University]
1674-8115 6.03
62. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 1934-6344 5.94
63. Journal of Chinese Clinical Medicine 1562-9023 5.94
64. The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications 1005-8885 5.92
65. Chinese Journal of Biotechnology 1000-3061 5.91
66. Chinese Journal of Chromatography 1000-8713 5.89
67. Zhongguo Zhongliu Shengwu Zhiliao Zazhi
[Chinese Journal of Cancer Biotherapy]
1007-385X 5.84
68. Journal of Zhejiang University. Engineering Science 1008-973X 5.84
69. International Journal of Software and Informatics 1673-7288 5.80
70. Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology 1610-1979 5.79
71. Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae 1000-503X 5.76
72. Journal of Remote Sensing(遥感学报) 1007-4619 5.74
73. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University (Medical Sciences) 1671-8259 5.60
74. East Asian Archives of Psychiatry 1026-2121 5.59
75. Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine
[ ]
1003-5370 5.59
76. Journal of Biomedical Research 1674-8301 5.51
77. Water Science and Engineering 1674-2370 5.47
78. Journal of Zhejiang University (Medical Sciences) 1008-9292 5.47
79. Journal of Medical Biomechanics 1004-7220 5.46
80. East Asian Archives of Psychiatry 2078-9947 5.41
81. 中国修复重建外科杂志
[Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery]
1002-1892 5.41
82. Zhonghua Zhongliu Fangzhi zazhi
[Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment]
1673-5269 5.41
83. Tumor 1000-7431 5.41
84. Journal of China Tourism Research 1938-8160 5.39
85. Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research 1673-8225 5.35
86. The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology 1001-7089 5.34
87. Chinese Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1674-635x 5.32
88. Chinese Journal of Bases and Clinics in General Surgery 1007-9424 5.30
89. Journal of Chongqing Medical University 0253-3626 5.29
90. Journal of Hainan Medical University 1007-1237 5.28
91. Orthopedic Journal of China 1005-8478 5.27
92. Journal of Zhengzhou University: Medical Sciences 1671-6825 5.27
93. Chinese Journal of Practical Internal Medicine 1005-2194 5.25
94. Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1007-4848 5.24
95. Occupation and Health 1004-1257 5.23
96. Journal of Chongqing University (English Edition) 1671-8224 5.23
97. The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics 1000-3606 5.23
98. Zhongguo Yixue Yingxiang Jishu
[Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology]
1003-3289 5.19
99. Journal of Interventional Radiology 1008-794X 5.19
100. Journal of Oral Science Research 1671-7651 5.16


