



首页 >  2020年第8期封面报道




封面图片为海洋一号 C 卫星海岸带成像仪获取的中国南海东沙岛及其周边海域的遥感影像图(2019-02-20),能清晰地识别复杂海面溢油污染类型。2018-09-07 发射的海洋一号 C 卫星是中国首颗海洋水色业务卫星,搭载水色水温扫描仪、海岸带成像仪、紫外成像仪、星上定标光谱仪和船舶识别系统共 5 个载荷,能为海洋环境监测提供丰富的数据资料。特别是海岸带成像仪信噪比高、辐射性能好、量化等级高,获取的图像细节特征清晰,已经在海面溢油监测中展现了优异的性能。海洋一号 D 卫星发射后,双星组网观测,海岸带成像仪覆盖周期由 3 天一次提高为 3 天两次,可为海面溢油的实时、定量、精细化监测提供丰富的数据支撑。相关研究详见本期第 933—944 页“HY-1C 星光学载荷对海面溢油的识别能力分析”。


Optical sensors of Haiyang-1C satellite provide new data for marine oil spills identification


The cover image shows a sample satellite image covering the Dongsha island in the South China Sea acquired on February 20, 2019 using the new ocean color satellite of China Haiyang-1C(HY-1C), which can clearly identify different types of weathered oils (i.e., non-emulsified oil slicks and oil emulsions). The HY-1C launched on September 7, 2018 is the first Chinese operational ocean color satellite, with five sensors carried onboard, including the Chinese Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (COCTS), Coastal Zone Imager (CZI), ultraviolet imager, calibration spectrometer, and automatic identification system. Owing to these sensors, the HY-1C can provide various data for marine environment monitoring. In particular, the CZI has high signal to noise ratio and radiation resolution, thus has demonstrated excellent performance for optical remote sensing of marine oil spills. After the launch of the HY-1D satellite which carries the similar sensors as on HY-1C, the integrated monitoring system composed of HY-1C/D is expected to provide more frequent observations for remote detection and quantification of marine oil spills. For detailed information, please refer to “HY-1C COCTS and CZI observation of marine oil spills in the South China Sea” in this issue, page 933-944.


