首页 >  2018, Vol. 22, Issue (s1) : 146-161


全文摘要次数: 3740 全文下载次数: 42






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1.中南大学 地球科学与信息物理学院, 长沙 410083;2.东北大学 资源与土木工程学院, 沈阳 110819


Mechanisms of altering infrared-microwave radiation from stressed rock and key issues on crust stress remote sensing

Crust stress is recognized as the vital force of solid earth hazards including earthquake, landslide and rock burst. The Curst Stress Field Altering (CSFA) in not only the source of solid earth hazards, but also the results of rock fracturing and earthquakes. The precursors of coming earthquake is essentially the particular appearance or the spatio-temporal projection of CSFA and the accumulated crust stress before shocking. Crust Stress Remote Sensing (CSRS) is a new paradigm of Remote Sensing, which can pave the way to making earthquake prediction possible. However, the traditional science and technology of remote sensing, which we call as Side-A of Remote Sensing, is theoretically based on the physical-chemical property of target and the radiation characteristics of surface conditions, without consideration to the additional radiation in condition of stress and fracturing. Present remote sensing physics has insufficient interpretation on the abnormal infrared-microwave radiation preceding earthquakes. As the theoretical foundation of CSRS and the new science and technology of remote sensing on additional radiation from stressed and fracturing solid, which we call as Side-B of Remote Sensing, it is urgently demanded to establish the physical mechanism of additional radiation from loaded rock and the quantitative technologies for separating additional electromagnetic radiation from noisy backgrounds. This paper briefly reviews international studies on infrared and microwave anomalies related to tectonic earthquakes. It also systematically establishes the achievements of electromagnetic radiation experimental observations in the domain of solid mechanics, which include thermal imaging analysis of material stress and damages, and the thermal image, thermal spectrum and microwave radiation observation on loaded rock to fracturing. The main achievements of studies on the mechanism of altering electromagnetic radiation from loaded rock to fracturing are also introduced. Such studies focus on (1) the rock physics mechanism including the effects of piezoelectric mineral crystals, discharging of crack tips, escaping of free electrons, and energy balance in an isolated system, (2) the quantum mechanics mechanism including the energy jump due to atom vibration and molecule rotation, and (3) the remote sensing physics mechanism including the effect of changing dielectric effect and changing surface emissivity. Referring to the coupling behaviors of multiple spheres of Earth system driven by CSFA, the principles and shortcomings of both the effect of battery transfer in crust rock and the effect of underground radon emission are also analyzed, and the multiple scale properties of Earth system response on seismogenic activities are finally presented. With regard to the Geophysical Satellites Plan in China, the key technologies are suggested, including the optimal selection of sensitive wave bands and its configuration for CSRS satellites, the remote sensing identification and combined diagnosis of tectonic activities and earthquake precursors, and the synergic observation with the use of spaceborne, airborne, and ground-based platforms on CSFA appearances as well as intelligent analysis.


