首页 >  2016, Vol. 20, Issue (4) : 549-560


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1.兰州大学大气科学学院, 甘肃省干旱气候变化与减灾重点实验室, 甘肃 兰州 730000;2.成都信息工程大学大气科学学院, 高原大气与环境四川省重点实验室, 四川 成都 610225;3.大气边界层物理与大气化学国家重点实验室, 中国科学院大气物理研究所, 北京 100029


The comparison of MODIS and MERSI aerosol products in Shenyang

There still had some uncertainty when satellite aerosolproducts were applied in northeast China for lack of effective verification method. The sources and seasonal variations of aerosol were analyzed based on the HYSPLIT-4 model using the ground-based observation provided by the Chinese Sun Hazemeter Network (CSHNET) in Shenyang during 2009-2011. The quality of MERSI and MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) products, and the source of error at four seasons were also discussed. The results showed distinctive seasonality for AOD and Angstrom exponent in northeast China. The aerosol came from remote transmission and regional emission with abundant anthropogenic and natural components. Aerosol sizes and AODs had large differences in four seasons, which leaded to a large error of aerosol model in the satellite retrieval algorithm. The accuracy of the satellite AOD products decreased due to the improper aerosol model. The comprehensive utilization ratio of MERSI and MODIS AOD products accounted for 68% and 83% of the ground-based AOD during the observing period. When AOD was lower than 0.35, the MODIS products underestimated and FY3-A products overestimated. Meanwhile, the relative error range of MODIS and FY3-A AOD products from the ground-based AOD was -46%-54% and 7%-135%. Both MODIS and FY3-A products underestimated with the relative error-34%-54% and -21%-75% when AOD was in the range from 0.35 to 0.75. A worse underestimation of MODIS and FY3-A products was found when AOD was more than 0.75 with the relative error of -34%-100% and -9%-58%. The utilization ratios of MODIS and MERSI had large differences in four seasons, 69% and 80% in spring, 73% and 70% in autumn, 69% and 73% in summer, only 2% and 49% in winter, respectively. On the whole, MODIS AOD products were more consistent with the ground-based observation than MERSI. There representativeness both of MODIS and MERSI were very poor in winter in northeast China. The percentages of MODIS and MERSI products falling within the expected errors were largest in spring (22%,25%), moderate in autumn (19%, 16%), least in summer (6%, 5%); MERSI retrieval algorithm has better capability to retrieve coarse mode aerosols (α≤0.5), while MODIS has more advantage in retrieving mixed mode aerosols (0.5≤α<1.5). The comparability between MERSI and MODIS was relatively good in spring and autumn, but poor in summer. MERSI products were more severe underestimated than MODIS in spring and autumn. Comparisons of regional distribution between MERSI and MODIS AOD products in Liaoning province showed that MERSI AOD product covered a broader range than MODIS AOD product. Although the general characteristic of AOD distribution was consistent, but there still existed obvious deviation in some areas.


