
第34届亚洲遥感会议于2013-10-20—2013-10-24在印度尼西亚巴厘岛召开,主题是“桥接永续的亚洲(Bridging Sustainable Asia)”。对《会议论文集》中来自52个国家和地区的970篇文章摘要进行了分析、归纳和总结,梳理了来自亚洲、欧洲和美洲等的参会国家和地区在传感器技术、数据处理技术和遥感应用等方面的进展,发现了各参会国家对遥感研究的关注点及未来的发展方向。对文章摘要的内容进行人工分类并统计发现,文章内容十分丰富,涉及了遥感科学与技术的学术动态与学科前沿,反映出亚洲在遥感学科方面具有不可忽视的巨大科技实力。中国(包括台湾地区和香港特别行政区)提交了最多的文章摘要。对《会议论文集》进行文献分析发现,有702篇文章以遥感应用为主题,占全部分析量的72%,这些应用主要集中在海洋、农业、灾害、城市、森林、流域及土地利用监测等方面;以传感器、数据处理等为主题的文章有226篇,占全部分析量的23%,主要集中在数据处理、LIDAR、卫星发射、UAV及软硬件开发等方面;小卫星及大数据等热点内容虽然总量不多,但将是未来研究的重要趋势。
The 34th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing(ACRS)was held during October 20— 24,2013,in Bali, Indonesia. The theme of ACRS was “Bridging Sustainable Asia”. Based on the conference proceedings, we analyzed and summarized the 970 abstracts from 52 countries and regions, then conducted a thorough review of the current situation of technological development in terms of current progress trends and research directions for remote sensor, data processing, and remote sensing applications.
A thorough literature review of the conference proceedings was carried out to identify the current progress and future research directions of remote sensing technologies and applications. Based on the contents of the conference abstracts, papers presented at the conference were grouped into three categories: sensor technology, data processing, and application. Then we provided an overview of the current status and future research directions in the three areas.
Results indicated that the conference articles were extremely rich, including dynamic and basic academic disciplines representing cutting-edge remote sensing science and technology. This review also found that Asian countries illustrated significant achievements in remote sensing technology development and applications. China(including Taiwan and Hong Kong)contributed the most abstracts to this conference, indicating that China is now an academic powerhouse in Asian remote sensing research.A total of 702 conference abstracts elaborated on the theme of remote sensing applications, accounting for 72% of the total amount of papers. These applications mainly concentrated in the research of marine, agriculture, disaster, cities, forests, watersheds, and land use monitoring.
A total of 226 abstracts elaborated on the theme of remote sensing technology, accounting for 23% of the total amount of conference papers that focused on data processing, LIDAR, satellite launch, UAV, and software and hardware development. This review also found some hot topics, such as Small Satellites and Big Data. However, these topics were not discussed much at this conference, suggesting that they may need more attention at future events.