
现有的水下地形SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar)探测模型尚未综合应用SAR的极化信息。本文基于Valenzuela的雷达散射截面表达式与袁业立提出的海波高频谱表达式,并结合全极化SAR相干斑抑制的极化白化滤波法,将极化信息有效地运用到水下地形SAR探测中去。最后,以中国台湾浅滩为例,分别利用Radarsat-2单一极化和全极化影像开展水下地形SAR探测研究,探测结果表明充分利用全极化信息的探测精度明显优于单一极化信息的探测精度,利用极化信息可以有效地提高水下地形SAR探测精度。
The existing underwater topography SAR detection models did not consider polarization information of SAR. In this paper, the SAR polarization information is used for underwater topography detection, which is based on radar cross section (RCS) expression from Valenzuela, high frequency spectra expression of ocean waves and Polarization Whitening Filter (PWF). Taiwan Shoal of China is taken as an example and its underwater topography is detected using single-polarization and full-polarization image of Radarsat-2. The results show that detection accuracy of full-polarization is better than that of single-polarization and illustrate that polarization information can effectively improve the accuracy of detection.