
利用MODTRAN 4模型对地表-大气-遥感器之间的辐射传输过程进行模拟,模拟出对应大气参数下的表观辐亮度;利用模拟生成的大气校正查找表,逐像元对HJ-1卫星CCD数据进行大气校正;并从光谱曲线、与MODIS地表反射率产品比较、归一化植被指数(NDVI)三个方面,探讨了HJ-1卫星CCD数据大气校正效果。结果表明:(1) HJ-1卫星CCD数据的大气校正明显消除了大气在可见光波段的“增加”效应;(2) 大气校正后的HJ-1卫星CCD地表反射率数据与MODIS地表反射率产品在植被和居民地的地表反射率上具有很好的一致性,而且大气校正后的HJ-1卫星CCD数据4个波段在这两种地物上的误差大部分不超过20%;(3) 大气校正增大了植被NDVI和其他地物NDVI的差值,突出了植被信息。
The radioactive transfer process in the surface-atmosphere-remote sensor can be simulated by the atmospheric radioactive transfer model MODTRAN 4, thus the top of the atmosphere (TOA) radiance with the corresponding atmospheric parameters can be acquired. Based on the look-up table (LUT) which is generated by simulation, the surface refl ectance from CCD data of HJ-1 satellite can be retrieved. Then, the effect of atmospheric correction on CCD data of HJ-1 satellite is analyzed in terms of the spectral curves, comparison with MODIS surface refl ectance products, and the normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI). The results show: (1) Atmospheric correction on CCD data of HJ-1 satellite can eliminate the “increase” effect of the atmosphere. (2) The refl ectance of vegetation and settlement place from atmospheric corrected CCD data of HJ-1 satellite is well consistent with those from MODIS surface refl ectance data products, with less than 20% in error between these two surface features for the four bands of CCD data of HJ-1 satellite. (3) The difference of NDVI between vegetation and other objects after atmospheric correction has been increased, which indicates the atmospheric correction can highlight the vegetation information.