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孟瑜, 陈静波, 张正, 刘志强, 赵智韬, 霍连志, 史科理, 刘帝佑, 邓毓弸, 唐娉
中国科学院空天信息创新研究院 国家遥感应用工程技术研究中心


Knowledge and Data Driven Remote Sensing Image Interpretation: Recent Developments and Prospects

Knowledge and data are the two main elements that have characterized the development of remote sensing image interpretation for decades. With the continuous enrichment of sensor platforms and rapid breakthroughs in deep learning, big data, multi-modal, and long time-series methodologies, data-driven intelligent remote sensing image interpretation has become a hot research direction in recent years. However, in the deepening and expanding research and applications, the limitations of data-driven methods such as difficult reuse between different scenarios, strong training sample dependence, and weak interpretability are beginning to emerge. Various types of knowledge accumulated in the long-term remote sensing image interpretation practice have the characteristics of objective reality, certainty, scene adaptability, interpretability, etc., which can be complemented with data-driven approaches, and the dual-driven of knowledge and data is becoming a new direction of remote sensing image interpretation. This paper first reviews the major stages in the development of remote sensing image interpretation and the respective roles of knowledge and data in each of these stages. Then the main types of knowledge involved in remote sensing image interpretation are summarized and categorized into fourteen types. The fusion of knowledge and deep learning is an important path to achieve the dual-drive of knowledge and data, and this paper summarizes five categories and fifteen subcategories of knowledge and deep neural network fusion methods with relevant cases. From the perspective of knowledge types, this paper further provides an overview of existing applications of remote sensing interpretation with joint knowledge and data. The effectiveness and capability increment of fusing knowledge and data is demonstrated by the analyses of typical examples. Lastly, this paper gives a systematic prospect on the framework and key techniques for knowledge and data compound driven remote sensing image interpretation.


