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陶果丰1,2,3, 薛万来3, 袁博1,2, 李添雨3, 李文忠3, 李杰1,2, 赵琳琳1,2, 崔宇然1,2, 徐为业1,2, 魏香琴4, 贾坤1,2
1.北京师范大学地理科学学部卫星应用创新研究中心 遥感科学国家重点实验室;2.北京师范大学地理科学学部 北京市陆表遥感数据产品工程技术研究中心;3.北京市水科学技术研究院;4.中国科学院空天信息创新研究院


An assessment framework for water ecological space health in Beijing based on remote sensing

(Objective) Water is the source of life, and its ecological problems have been widely concerned. The emergence of water ecological problems is not only related to the water body itself, but also closely related to the structure and function of ecosystem. Therefore, to evaluate and alleviate water ecological problems, it is necessary to systematically consider the status of ecological storeroom of water from the perspective of whole ecosystem. Water ecological space is a variety of ecological spaces that includes water space such as rivers and lakes, shoreline space connecting water and land, and land space closely related to water resources protection, which can reflect the overall situation of ecosystem related to water. Therefore, assessing the health condition of water ecological space is of great significance for preserving the core structure and functions of water ecosystem. However, there is a lack of studies on the comprehensive assessment of water ecological space, and the related assessment index systems are subject to ground observations and limited indicator categories. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop a comprehensive water ecological space health assessment framework based on remote sensing for Beijing. (Method) The proposed framework consists of eleven assessment indicators covering the physical structure of ecological space, the hydrology and water quality condition, and the vegetation factors on land, which are extracted from remote sensing data with high spatial resolution. A water ecological space health index (WESHI) is established by integrating the eleven indicators with weights assigned by the combination of analytical hierarchy process (subjectivity) and entropy weighting method (objectivity). The states of water ecological spaces are divided into four levels (healthy, good, moderate, poor) based on WESHI. Then, ten typical water bodies in Beijing, including sources of surface water, landscape lakes, and rivers flowing through suburbs or urban areas, are selected as examples to apply the proposed comprehensive water ecological space health assessment framework. (Result) The weights of the assessment indicators demonstrate that the hydrology and water quality factors are the dominant drivers for the health of water ecological space, followed by the vegetation factors on land, while the physical structure of ecological space has least impact. The assessment results of the selected ten water ecological spaces in Beijing indicate: Tang River and Yongding River obtains the highest and lowest WESHI among rivers respectively; The WESHI of Kunming Lake is slightly better than that of the Yuanmingyuan Lake; Miyun Reservoir has a higher WESHI than Huairou Reservoir. Among the ten typical water bodies in Beijing, the water ecological spaces of Yongding River and Yuanmingyuan Lake are in good status, and the others are all at the healthy level. These results are consistent with the actual situations. (Conclusion) The proposed assessment framework can reasonably evaluate the health status of water ecological space in Beijing. Compared with the traditional methods that relies on manual investigation, the proposed assessment framework based on remote sensing can assess the health status of water ecological space more quickly, comprehensively and objectively. Moreover, based on the assessment results, targeted ecological restoration is recommended for Yongding River and Yuanmingyuan Lake in future efforts.


