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金雁敏, 宋正翔, 李益峰, 王超, 刘世杰, 柳思聪, 童小华
同济大学 测绘与地理信息学院


Geometric external calibration method for the airborne large-view-field infrared scanner considering different effects of left and right pendulum directions

Objective: The airborne pendulum large-view-field infrared scanner has the advantages of large view field and high-resolution images. However, it may be affected by a variety of factors in the sensor installation, transportation and flight processes, which may cause the position centers and angles of the sensor and the POS system to be changed. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out geometric calibration to improve the geometric quality of the images acquired by the sensor. Furthermore, this scanner produces left-pendulum and right-pendulum images respectively during the flight. And the left-pendulum and right-pendulum images have different imaging integration direction, which may cause different influence on imaging quality. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to present an external geometric calibration method considering different influences of the different pendulum directions. Method: By considering different influences of the different pendulum directions of this airborne pendulum large-view-field infrared scanner, a geometric external calibration model is introduced, and it is characterized by: (1) The installation errors of the sensor and POS are considered. And both of the left- and right- pendulum images are used to calculate the installation parameters. Especially, different calibration parameters are used for the right- and left- pendulum images. The aim is to compensate the different influences caused by different imaging integration directions. (2) Furthermore, calibration parameters for the installation errors of the sensor and POS are regarded as pseudo-observations. Because the installation errors of the sensor and POS are generally small. By regarding the calibration parameters as the pseudo-observations, the calibration model can avoid very large unreasonable estimated parameters. Results and conclusions: The proposed method is applied in the calibration of the images collected by this airborne pendulum large-view-field infrared scanner. Experimental results show that the calibration model can effectively improve the geometric positioning accuracy of the images. The absolute average back-projection residuals of the control points in the left- and right- pendulum images are improved to be sub-pixel level.


