首页 >  2021, Vol. 25, Issue (5) : 1037-1042


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Responses and choices of global climate change in the post-epidemic era

Global climate change is a common hot issue facing the world. For a long time, mankind believed that nature had a great decisive influence on human society, and never thought that human activities could have an impact on nature, or even a profound impact. With the accumulation of scientific knowledge and the deepening of understanding of the natural world, mankind’s concept of nature has begun to change, believing that they can transform nature, and even dominate nature. Especially after the Industrial Revolution, this process has been accelerated, causing serious damage and destruction to nature. Until all kinds of new and old natural disasters became more frequent and intense, and the spread of plagues and infectious diseases became wider, some people began to reflect on and re-examine human behavior. What kind of human behavior did harm to the earth? How did the earth react to human behavior? After the global pandemic is raging, what are the characteristics of the post-epidemic era?In the post-epidemic era, global climate change impacts and responses are showing new trends, with suddenness, globality, and relevance becoming distinctive features. At present, to focus on solving the major scientific issues of climate change, we must continue to strengthen basic research pragmatically, properly handle the relationship between the challenges of global change and sustainable development; choose our own path to respond to climate change according to my country’s national conditions; further Deal with the relationship between emission reduction and increase in sinks, mitigation and adaptation; establish a major national carbon neutral project; formulate and implement larger-scale afforestation plans; focus on the future and pay close attention to the long-term human development agenda that is highly related to climate change to achieve Sustainable human development.


