
通过重点研究玉米叶子的空间位置、指向角分布, 分析玉米作物的结构特点, 建立玉米的三维结构模型和场景, 发展针对玉米作物的极化合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture radar, SAR)数据模拟方法。利用该模拟方法和实地获取的玉米参数模拟极化SAR数据, 通过与散射计实地测量的多极化、多角度后向散射系数进行对比, 表明该模拟方法能够有效的模拟玉米作物的后向散射系数; 通过分析模拟极化SAR数据获得的HH-VV、HH-HV、VH-VV之间的相位差, 表明该模拟方法能够有效的模拟玉米作物散射的相位信息; 通过分析模拟数据的极化响应图和Cloude H-α分类图, 从散射类型角度验证了模拟极化SAR数据的有效性。
This paper constructs a realistic three-dimensional scene of maize, and develops a coherent scattering model to simulate the polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)data by analyzing the structure characteristics of maize, especially considering the relative spatial position and orientation of maize leaves. The multi-angle, multi-polarization backscattering coefficients dataset acquired from the scatterometer are compared with that calculated from the simulated polarimetric SAR data, showing that the amplitude information simulated by the model is valid. The HH-VV, HH-HV, and VH-VV phase difference of the simulated data are analyzed, showing that the simulated phase information is valid. Besides, Polarization response method and Cloude H-α classification method are applied to validate the simulated PolSAR data from the viewpoint of scattering types.