
2008年9月发射的环境一号卫星是中国自主研发的首颗专门用于环境与灾害监测的新型卫星, 对中国环境遥感监测技术发展与应用具有里程碑意义。围绕环境一号卫星应用关键技术研究与业务运行, 首先对在大量研究基础上形成的环境一号卫星技术性能指标进行了介绍和分析, 给出了环境一号卫星CCD、红外和超光谱数据的实例, 并从几何精度和辐射特性等多个方面对环境一号卫星数据质量进行了分析和评价; 然后从大型水体环境遥感监测、区域环境空气遥感监测、宏观生态环境遥感监测的角度, 系统提出了环境一号卫星的应用需求; 在此基础上设计
Environment Satellite 1 (HJ-1), the first new kind satellite developed by China used for environment and disaster monitoring, was launched in September 2008. This satellite is the milestone of China’s environmental technology development and application. This article focuses on the application key technology research and business operations of HJ-1. First, it introduces and analyzes HJ-1 technologic parameters and provides HJ-1 data examples of CCD camera, infrared camera and hyper-spectral imager. Furthermore, it analyzes and evaluates HJ-1 data quality in the aspects of geometric accuracy, radiance characteristic and so on. Second, this article proposes the HJ-1 application demand in the fields of large water body environmental remote sensing (RS) monitoring, regional air quality RS monitoring and macro eco-environmental satellite RS monitoring. Based on the demand, this article also designs the HJ-1 application scheme which includes operation flow and data product definitions. Finally, this article uses environmental parameter RS reversing methods to reverse aerosol optical thickness in Beijing-Tianjing- Tanggu (BTT) area and to monitor chlorophyll-a concentration in Chaohu lake.