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1.中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所,吉林 长春 130012;2.中国科学院研究生院,北京 100039


Habitat Suitability Evaluation for Waterfowls Used-land Based on RS and GIS

waterfowls habitat and population quantity has been seriously damaged due to continuously deteriorating of Wetland ecosystem. There are satisfactory variety of ecosystems, and there are resources and abundant plants or anmi als species in the Jiansanjiang area.Although the biodiversity of the region is rich and mi portant, it is suffering from manmade destroy and disturbance. Analysisofhigh strengthwetland reclamation process and environmentchangeswas conduc-ted to study the directand indirecteffects onwet land waterfowlshabitat. Peoplewere raised to pay attention to the protec-tion of Wetland and Biodiversity extensively. Habitatsuitabilitymethod iswidely applied in natural land resourcemanage-ment, especially it isverymeaningful research forbiodiversityprotection and use fulspacesquestion ofanmi als. Ithas also very mi portant significance to quickly realize and determine the besthabitatposition in spatial scale domain.Jiansanjiang area lies in the northwest of Heilongjiang Province in China, as formostof the year, where the clmi ate is characterized as temperate semiarid continentalmonsoon. There are three large rivers in the region, including Heilongjiang River, SonghuaRiver andWusuliRiver, which are mi portantnationalwetland in Sanjiang Plain. Themaps of topographic and vegetation distribution in Jiansanjiang area following as referencematerials, it is an application ofGPS on field control pointposition established habitat suitability point cluster. The acquisition of 21 single evaluation factors is based on information extraction by remote sensing andGeography Information System spatial analysismethod, and analysis ofBinaryLogistic regressionmode,l whichwas integrated into habitat suitabilitymodule on pixel levels. Alongwith other factors, thesewas a great influence, high goodness-of-fitand big standardized residuals on 10 single suitability evaluation factors finally, synthetically evaluated by settlementdensity, population density, road Euclid Distance, settlementEuclid Distance, NDVI, vegetation types, wetness, texture, reliefandDEM etc. These factors emphasize three aspects: humanity society, vegetation growth topography and geomorphology respectively. There is integrated classification criterion of Jiansanjiang habitat with K-means cluster analysis, effectively analyzed five levels of suitability on spatial scale. As a result,the percentage of the highly suitable habitat, suitable habitat,moderately suitable habitat, not suitable habitat and permanently not suitable habitat respectively are 24.73%, 17.69%, 29.8%, 17.62% and 10.16%, thatof the former three typeswas about72.22% of the tota,l thosewhowilluse evidence to support their view that the abundant land of waterfowls suitable habitat in Jiansanjiang. The effective strategiesbased on the evaluation results can be put forward as the reference for protection ofhabitat suitability land and sustainable reproduction ofpopulation.The expermi ental results show thatourmethod achieveshigh fusion accuracy (general classification accuracy: 87.3%,kappa’s coefficient: 0.852), it gives a proof of grade separation mi age and actual ecological environment is very smi ilar.The paper offered an innovation thought: application of statistical Binary-Logisticmodule based on pixel level inRS miage.Thismethod can be helpful for the large-scale natural ecological landscape planning, determination of human disturbance and anmi al protection scale domain, biodiversity sustainable development for future geographic spatial analysis.


