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1.中国科学院山地灾害与地表过程重点实验室,四川 成都 610041;2.中国科学院成都山地灾害与环境环境研究所,四川 成都 610041;3.云南财经大学遥感与GIS中心,云南 昆明 650221


The Extraction of Mountain Hazard Induced by Wenchuan Earthquake and Analysis of Its Distributing Characteristic

The deadly Wenchuan Earthquake hit Wengchuan, a small city southwest of Sichuan Province, China, with a magnitude of 8.0, at 14∶28 local tmie of May 12. It shookmore than halfofChina and broughtdevastation tomore than fifty counties. The earthquake has notonly caused numerous personnel casualties and destroyed kinds of facility directly,but also induced a lotofmountain hazards, and supermi posed the hazardsmore severely. The extraction of earthquake-inducedmoutain hazardsusing remote sensing mi ageshas mi portant significance for earthquake relie,f assessment of bearing capacity of disaster area and reconstruction work after earthquake. The extraction ofdisaster area is realized by amethod combination of information enhancement, information fusion and visual interpretation. According to the active characteristic andmaterial combination ofdebris flows and landslides, we compare and analyze the spectral feature difference of different miages and take ETM+miage asmain data source. Debris flows and landslideshave two distinct properties of higher water contentand lowervegetation cover. The reflective features on remote sensing mi ages are soilmoisture and vegeta-tion coverage, which can be reflected bywetness index and green index. After the extraction ofwetness index and green index, tasseled cap transformation, mi age difference reinforcement, density slide and mask technology are used to build the quick extractionmodel fordebris flows and landslides. Themodel isused to extractmountain hazards induced by Wenchuan earthquake. The distribution rule and feature ofgeo-hazard and genesis are analyzed by spatial overlay. Mountain hazards induced by the earthquake distribute mainly along Longmenshan Mountain earthquake zones and rivers on both hillsides.They have the following characteristics 1.The types ofmountain hazards are diverse, including collapses,landslides, rockfalls, mi prisoned lakes, debris flows and so on.2.The relation is closed between the strong level of the action and the intensity of the earthquake. Themountain hazards aremainly present in the earthquake intensity area from 8 degree to11 degree.With the intensity reduced, the gross area ofgeo-hazard decreased.3.Themountain hazardsmainly occurred in areas 1000m to 2500m altitude.4.The gradient of the slop ofgenerating geo-hazardmainly varied in the range from 20 to50 degree.5.In quantityby collapseds, landslides, rockfallsprmi arily during aftershock and landslides,debris flows prmi arily during anaphase. 6.Pair of ecological environment destruction is enormous.


