首页 >  2008, Vol. 12, Issue (6) : -


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中国科学院遥感应用研究所,遥感科学国家重点实验室,北京 100101


Study on UAV Remote Sensing Image Acquiring and Visualization Management System for the Area Affected by 5·12 Wenchuan Earthquake

The aerial remote sensing(RS) by unmanned aerial vehicles(UAV),which is flexible and quick, showed great benefits in data collection for the area mi pacted by 5·12Wenchuan earthquake. A framework of 3D visualizationmanage-ment system forUAV remote sensing mi age has been developed. There are fourparts in this3D visualization system: flight tracking design system, remote sensing mi age acquiring system, mi age processing system, and 3D visualizationmanagement system. The flight tracking system provides the tools to design flightpath forUAV in a 3-D visualization environments. The flightpath design can be loaded into theUAV flightpath controlsystem to control theUAV direction, speed, and so on. The remote sensing miage acquiring system is to acquire remote sensing mi agesby controlling the attitudes and camera actions of the aerial vehicles. The mi age processing system includes the functions of mi age distortion correction and registration. The 3Dmanagement system handles themanagement and 3D visualization ofUAV miages. The key technologies regarding the system are discussed. The high-resolution remote sensing mi ages are used as base mi ages, and the geometric correction and Gray-Scale transformmethods are employed to change originalUAV remote sensing mi ages to new ones in geographic coordi-nate system. UAV remote sensing mi agesaremanaged by spatial index in 3D visualization environment which hasmulti-scale remote sensing mi ages from different satellites. The paper establishes the quadtree pyramid and LOD model formanaging large volume remote sensing data, which can providemore fluentvisualizationwhen usersnavigate in the 3D virtual environ-ment. A 3D visualization management system forUAV remote sensing mi ages has been mi plemented based on the VGE-3DGlobe Earth platform. From the expermi ental results, the system workswellwhen itmanages and visualizes the UAV re-mote sensing mi ages in the areas mi pacted by5·12Wenchuan earthquake. With regard to the roles of UAV remote sensing in the5·12Wenchuan earthquake rescue, it is argued that UAV remote sensing mi ages acquiring and visualization manage-ment system can be a very mi portantsupporting tool forquick response ofemergentevents such as floods, earthquakes, forest fires, and environmental pollution earthquakes.


