
In recentyears, there have beenmany catastrophic disasters occurred in China and other countries,which has caused great losses of lives and assets. Spatial information techniques, including, are playingmore andmore mi portantroles in disastermitigation.An earthquake,measured 8.0 on the Richter scale, struck Wenchuan County,Sichuan Province at 14∶28 on May 12,2008,and has resulted in a series of catastrophes.Differentdepartments involved in disastermitigation have used spatial information techniques to provide decision-making supportand contributed a lot to the earthquake relie.f Besides the prompt response to the disaster, the amountof spatial information collected in this earthquake and the number of specialists in related fields involved in the disastermitigation are unprecedented.The rapid response action, as a classic case, can provide a very helpful reference and example for future disastermitigation with the help of spatial information techniques.Firstly, the requirementsofspatial information techniques in rapid response to the earthquake are identified, in- cluding airborne/space-borne opticaland SAR RS data in high spatio-temporal resolution, geometric positioning in high accuracywithoutGCPs or few GCPs, real tmi eear-real tmi e data processing, and well prepared spatial data of infrastruc-tures in earthquake area.Disastermitigation can be classified into threemain phases,which focus respectively on rescue of people buried under the ruins,monitoring of the secondary disasters such as land slides,mud flows and quake lakes, and disaster reconstruction planning. In such different phases, spatial information techniquesmay play different roles.To acquire sufficient space resources, the InternationalCharter“Space and MajorDisasters”is activated by its authorized user NDRCC to obtain foreign satellitesdata,while the national resource satellitesBeijing-1 andCBERS are being operated continuously.More than 130 scenes of satellite mi ages are received through the Charter.On the otherhand, the advanced airborne sensors such asLeicaADS40,Z/I ImagingDMC, and SWDC-4 are involved tomonitor the detailed information about the earthquake. Leica ADS40 has been mostwidely used in damage information extraction for its convenient processing method and integrated operation environment. SWDC-4, the best airborne digitalmapping cameramade in China, has also been running stably during the disaster relie.f The airborne SAR sensors have shown their flexibility to theweather condition and achievedmostvolumes ofdata in its average 11 hours flightperday.However, its data processing speed is in urgentneed of mi provement. Secondly, the rapid processing technique for differentRS data is the key step in the course of disaster rapid response.The satellite ortho-rectified method based on RPC model showed a good accuracy in the satellite RS mi age processing only with few GCPs, though the disaster area has extremely diversified terrains and was heavily changed by the earthquake.As for the airborneRS data processing, the rapid mi agematching andmosaicmethods used in DPGrid successfully solved the problem of irregular flight line and greatrolling stereo mi age pairs.The mi age dodging technique can enhance the visibility and interpretation effectofmosaic resultsofairborne mi ages.Geododging, a software package of mi age dodging developed byWuhanUniversity haspresented good performance.Thirdly, the damage information extraction and secondary disastermonitoring are twomain applications of spatial information techniques in the earthquake rapid response.Two advanced mi age change detection techniques have been used.One is change detection with mi ages from different sensors.And the other ismono-miages change detection according to the spatial shape information based on the object-oriented segmentation.Both can remedy the deficiency of mi age source and mi prove themonitoring speed.The optical mi age data and airborne LIDAR data are both used in the secondary disastermonitoring.Three procedures aswatershed segmentation, runoffprediction by distributed hydrologicmodels, and storage calculation ofQuakeLake are integrated tomonitor the dangerous conditions of theQuake Lake dam.Finally some conclusions and suggestions are proposed to direct future disaster rapid response.