
As a result of birth rate decreases in China, the total number of pupils has steadily reduced since 1990s.Inevitably, restricting the prmi ary and secondary school is an mi portant issue for local governments. Meanwhile, along with a number of school closures in recent years in rural China, new problems are frequently reported, such as a long distance of traveling to school for some communities, the quota excess of teaching classes in many schools and uneven distribution of teaching resources among schools. For school redistricting planning, both the educational equality and school efficiency is mi portant. The objective of this paper is to assess the educational equality by introducing geographic information systems (GIS) and the conceptof spatial accessibility in school redistricting.Based on the literature review of the planning principles and methods for school redistricting considering the educational need and supply and the service equality and efficiency, the authors attemptto introduce a framework ofschool planning in ruralChina. The key technicalprocedures are enlarginggeographic database such as schools, geodemographics and transportation networks, and calculating the spatialaccessibility ofschoolservices forevery communityusing GIS. The spatial accessibility indices are used to assess the spatial equality of educational service and tomeasure the rationality of school redistricting. The spatial relationshipsbetween population distribution and secondary schools inGongyiCity, Henan Province are evaluated using five accessibility measures,ie.the ratio mode,l nearest distance mode,l chance accumulationmode,l gravitymodel and mi proved gravitymode.l The case study shows that there are uneven spatial patterns in terms of the per capita educational resources, the distance to nearest schoo,l the chance of school choice and the balance between school supplies and community needs.The locationa advantages or disadvantages identified in the thematicmaps have potentials in future school planning. The\nauthors argue to introduceGIS technology and spatial accessibilitymodels in school redistricting in ruralChina. It is also\nsuggested to explore and verify the spatial patterns of school choice and estmi ate detailed school supplies and community needswith usingHuffmode,l which lays a theoretical foundation for school facility planning.