
CBERS-02卫星 定量化It s urgent to considerhow to systematically establish the civil aeronautics remote sensing system, assmi ilate application requirements in the process of remote sensing quantification, and mi prove the earth observing ability and quantitative leve.l On October 21, 2003, the CBERS-02 was successfully launched. Charge Coupled Device Camera(CCD), W ide Field Imager (WFI) and the InfraredMulti-Spectral Scanner (IRMSS) are three mi portant payloads on CBERS-02. The quantitative researches and expermi entsbased on CBERS-02 data had been carried out, which provide a reference and demonstration for the quantitative application researches ofFY, HY, Resources, HJ etc. satellites data.To conducted the quantitative application of the CBERS-02 satellite mi ages, we have performed a series of expermi ents and researches. Researches on the quantification application ofCBERS-02 include good knowledge of the payload s parameters, mi age s quanlity, radiometric calibration, validation of arithmeticmodels and the assessmentof the application potentia.l As one of these research, themethod of radiometric calibration and coefficients of the CCD, WFI and IRMSS have been published, which has provided basic support to the quantitative application of the CBERS-02 satellite mi ages. In this study, the remote sensed data processing frame and products system are designed based on the characteristic of theCBERS-02 mi ages. The study demonstrates that the functions ofquantifying processing forCBERS-02satellite include the stage from the remte sensed signals to quantitative information and to the inversion of the surface parameters forCBERS-02. To provide a compositive productsystem forCBERS-02 satellite, five levelproductshave been designed based on the consideration of geometric and radiometric characteristic ofCBERS-02 satellite, which will be a reference of the productsystem for the cominghigh spatial resolution satellite mi age in our country. The five levelproducts are: Level1 (1B data), Level2 (relatively radiometric calibration product, MTF compensated product, coarse geometric registration product, accurate geometric registration product), Level 3 (appearance radiance, appearance reflectance,appearance brightness, cloud identified product), Level 4 (surface reflectance, surface brightness, surface albedo,LST) and Level5 (vegetation index, LAI, land cover, FPAR).In this study, techniques of quantifying processing for every level product are illustrated completely forCBERS-02 satellite. For the stage from the remote sensed signals to quantitative information, the vicarious calibration and cross calibration ofCCD, WFI and IRMSS mi ages, cloud detection arithmetic ofCCD mi ages and atmospheric correctionmethod of CCD mi ages. For the absolute radiometric calibration for the CBERS-02 satellite, vicarious and cross-calibration are performed and the calibration coefficients are achieved for CCD camera and IRMSS camera. And the cross-calibration is also carried out forWFI mi agerand the calibration coefficients are calculated as the first tmi e inChina. For the stage from quantitative information to the inversion of the surface parameters, the following productswillbe processed and achieved:surface reflectance, surface albedo, vegetation index, LAI, FPAR, land cover and LST, ect.Based on these quantitative researches, the professional quantifying processing software for CBERS-02 satellite,Remote Sensing Quantitative application software: CBERS (RSQA-CBERS) is developed, which will facilitate the quantitative application of theCBERS-02 satellite. The developmentenvironmentofRSQA-CBERS isMS-VisualC ++.However, the currentversion ofRSQA-CBERS is running based on theLevel2 productwhich is defined and provided by the center ofChineseResource Satellite data andApplication (CRESDA). Thus, due to the lmi itation of the mi ages, the surface parameters inversed by the software are lmi ited. What smore, the inversion arithmetic need to be mi proved.