首页 >  2007, Vol. 11, Issue (3) : 426-432


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1.武汉大学遥感信息工程学院,湖北 武汉 430079;2.国家基础地理信息中心,北京 100080


Predicting the Potential Distribution of Invasive Exotic Species Using GIS and Remote Sensing

Exotic species invasion has been one of themost dramatic ecological event in human history that threatens our economy, public health and ecological integrity. Explaining the nature of the species and species-environment relationship and predicting the spatial distribution of the invasive exotic plants is of great mi portance for invasive exotic plants prevention and early warning efforts. One approach to species-specific predictions involves the use of habitat-suitability or niche-based models whereby environmental conditions suitable formaintenance of populations of a species are identified and mapped onto geographic space. These approaches combine herbarium specmi en locations data with a suite ofGIS layers(e.g.clmi atic, topographic and land cover) to create the ecologicalmodels of the species’requirements. Coupledwith thesemodels, GIS can project the ecologymodel onto geographic space andmapping the habitat-suitabilitymaps in native ranges and exotic ranges.This paper proposes an mi proved logistic regression approach in an information theoretic framework to predict the suitability of ragweed in both native and invaded ranges. Information-theoretic approaches computed and assessed themodeling choice aswell as produced a weighed-averagemodel based on themultiple-models rather than using the solemodelwith the lowestAIC value or the highestAkaikeweight. Thismultiple-model inference is useful to reducemodel selection bias.Having obtained theweighted averagemode,l the resulting regression equationswere applied to the native samples including the presentpoints and pseudo-absence points to produce the outputof the logitvalue. Because of lack in true absence data, we didn’t transform the logit value back to regular space scaled from 0—1 representing probability of a pixel containing the speciesbut regard the logitvalue as the degree of the suitability for the species. Sowe proposed a new approach specifically to compartmentalize the habitat-suitability using logit value thresholds and frequency statistics. At last, we used this habitat-suitability model developed in native ranges to“project”onto the exotic ranges to predict the ragweed’s potential distribution in China.


