首页 >  2003, Vol. 7, Issue (4) : 299-303


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武汉大学 测绘遥感信息国家重点实验室 武汉 430070


Edge Focusing Based on Multiscales Wavelet Transform

The zero-crossings and the maximum of the wacelet transform are very rffective for locating the edges of the image function.In this paper,we investigate the properties of the zero crossing and the maximum related the wavelet transform which are dericed from the first derivative or the second derivative of the smooth function respectively.Multiscale wavelet transform provides a pyramid hierarchie descriptive method of image features.Its main advantages are that both the algorithms involved do not create false generic features and the difference of edges derived from two near scale wavelet transforms is not larger than one pixel.Mallat discrete dyadic wavelet transform has the advantages.In multiscate wavelet transform,if a scale is bigger,the edge contour of image will be derived and the detail information be blurred or lost.If the scale is smaller,the details in inage can be detected,in the same time,finer noise in image will be also kept.The object scale changes in remote sensing image occur over a wide range and vary unpredictably over the image. It is difficult to select an adaptive scale before or in the wavelet transform.Inspired by the scale-space theorem and wide and wavelet transform,the arithmetic of focusing edge in dyadic wacelet transform is introduced as follows. 1)The image function f(x,y)is transformed by 2D Gaussian symmetric wavelet at dyadic scales,and subsets{W2j f(x,y),0《j《n}relatef the transform are stored.The edge features in subimage W2nf(x,y)(at scale j=n)are detected by zero-crossings of Gaussian symmetnc wavelet transtorm and the map related to the edge teatures is derived and stored. 2)A sprcial region around the edge related to W2jf(x,y)(j《n) is selected as a searching area.The edge features in subimage W2j-1f(x,y)are detected by zero-crossings of the same transform around searching area and a new efge map is derrved.The former edge map is updated by the new edge map. 3)j=j-1,if j=0 stop,else go to step 2. Experiments show that the arithmetic is effective to solve the problem,in which the object scale in image function is uncertain.The method is not only to eliminate fine scale noise and lovate edge accurately,but also to extract edge contour corrrctly at langer scale.


