首页 >  2003, Vol. 7, Issue (4) : 251-255


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1.北京师范大学 遥感与GIS研究中心,北京 100875;2.中国科学院 遥感应用研究所,北京 100101;3.Department of Geography and Center for Remote Sensing,Boston University,Boston MA02215 USA;4.北京师范大学 数学系,数据统计与数据分析,北京 100875


Fly Dots" Spreading Model of SARS along Transportation

In the beginning of this year,SARS(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)broke out and spread in mainland of China,Hong Kong,Taiwan and other countries,regions successively. The world,especially China,pays high attentions on this public hygiene safety affair and takes various measures to prevent and control the further spreading of SARS.This work began in early April in this background.At this time,the SARS began to spread to Beijing and northern regions of China, but the situation in southern regions,such as Guangdong and Hong Kong is relative stable. The data about SARS spreading,special cases and sources in these regions are available.Through these information,we found the spreading characteristic of SARS has a distinct one besides other common ones,namely,jumped sperad between two points in long distance.This characteristic can not be singly described by the diffusion models for point sources. Pointed to this, a "fly dots"spreading model along transportation is put forward in this paper,which takes the vehicle as a scale and sets up SARS spreading model in the relative sealed vehicle. Based on this model,in a scale of the transportation, the spatial spreading of SARS due to flow of passengers is modeled. We simulatde the danger probability of SARS sperading, three cases reported in internet,and the affect of Beijing SARS epidemic situation to in Hebei province due to flow of passengers.The results show that this model meets the spacial spreading characteristic of SARS. Not only the vent,and disinfect and others measures affect SARS spreading in vehicle,but time is also an important factor to be considered. The SARS spread along transportation is affected by these regions' population distribution,the SARS epidemic situation in the beginner affect the situation in the regions of the stops in a great degree. The results simulated by the models can be used to support the decision-making


