
本文在分析已有插值基函数和小波函数、小波变换的基础上提出一种应用小波作为插值基函数进行图像插值的方法, 给出了该方法在一般图像插值方面和在多幅图像的信息揉合和累积方面的应用, 并分析了一般图像插值方法在图像之间存在辐照度差异时的可行性和在同名点之间存在相对空间信息差异时的操作方法。最后, 采用4幅POLDER多角度遥感图像对本文所述方法进行了验证。实验表明, 本文所述方法是可以较好地进行图像插值的。
Image interpolation plays an important role in many applications of digital image. Some interpolation base functions, such as some time-limited functions, rectangle, triangle, bell, or cubic spline functions, and some precise functions, sinc function, have been used in signal or image interpolation. Meanwhile, a wavelet function has both of the satisfying properties for the interpolation base function, i. e. time-limited and precise. And the wavelet transformation gives a shortcut method for signal or image interpolation, which is the main idea of this paper. The new method can be applied not only to the general interpolation purpose but also to the image information synthesis and accumulation. The feasibility of the interpolation method applied in the image information synthesis and accumulation with frames of different radiance and the steps for images with coarse located corresponding points have also been discussed. The image interpolation experiments based on wavelet with 4 POLDER multiangular remote sensing images show that the new method is practical.