
本文研究是在遥感辐射定标场选择的基础。利用6S大气辐射传输模型进行SPOT遥感数据的定标和地物的光谱反射率反演, 即在遥感器飞越辐射定标场上空, 在定标场选择若干像元区, 测量遥感器对应的各波段地物的光谱反射率和大气光谱参量, 并利用大气辐射传输模型给出遥感器人瞳处各光谱带的辐射亮度, 最后确定它与遥感器对应输出的数字量化的数量关系, 求解定标系数。然后, 对相应的研究训练区的遥感数据进行大气辐射校正, 进而反演训练区内的地物光谱反射率。最后, 通过将反演值与实地测量的地物光谱反射率进行对比分析, 来估算定标不确定度, 并比较说明两种不同方式定标差异及优势和限制。
This research was for in-flight SPOT calibration conducted in July, 1995. SPOT HRV was calibrated by La Crau test site and on-boarding calibration methods. 65 CODE was used for test site calibration and reflectance retrieval of some ground targets. The calibration coefficient A & A'was calculated. The calibration results based on both methods were compared and analysed. The analysis results have shown that: (1) calibration precision based on test site is higher than that obtained from on-boarding calihration; (2) 65 CODE is practical and fast for calibration and reflectance retrieval; (3) there are system errors in both methods; (4) the uncertainty of calibration coefficients can be estimated by the retrieved reflectance, of some targets; (5) the reliability of calibration result is proved by the consistence in calibration precision range for both or more independent methods: (6) the calibration result difference for different calibration methods can be used to diagnose the sensor state and to correct inadequate method or some mistakes, and also to guide the applications.